Sunday, August 19, 2007

Environmental Reasons to Toilet Train Your Cat

Believe it or not, there are environmental reasons to learn how to toilet train your cat! The US Bureau of Mines estimates that about 1.5 million metric tons of clay were strip mined in 1994 alone to make absorbent type cat litter. That's makes up some big, ugly holes in the ground where plants and animlas can no longer live.

In addition, you cannot flush this type of litter since it will clog your drains. That means you have to throw it in the trash. Some sources claim cat litter makes up as much waste in landfills and disposable diapers.

If you're really environmentally conscious, keep in mind the plastic litter boxes. These are the easiest to clean and most resistant to bacteria build up. However, plastic is made from petrochemicals and we all know the affects that has on the environment.