Saturday, August 18, 2007

Things to Keep In Mind When You Train Cats to Use the Toilet

As you're learning how to toilet train your cat, there are a few things to keep in mind. To start, it's much easier to train a younger cat. Just make sure they are big enough to jump on the bowl and get out in case they accidentally fall in. Older cats become more set in their ways and don't particularly like change. They can still be trained, but it may take longer and require more patience and persistence on your part.

One of the most important factors is to take it slow when you train cats to use the toilet! As noted, cats don't particularly like change. You'll be asking them to dramatically change their behavior and do something a little foreign to them. Make sure everyone in the house is on board and shows the same patience.

Another very important requirement to successfully train cats to use the toilet is rewards and positive reinforcement. Make sure you treat your cat every step of the way. This can mean her favorite treat or positive words and petting her. Also, once your cat is toilet trained, make sure she doesn't lose interest. Cats get easily bored so you'll have to continue the rewards. You don't have to be there to reward her every time. In fact, random rewards will keep her attention better!

If your cat seems to regress or you run into problems, it's usually something you did. Take a few steps back and take it a little slower next time. Your cat will eventually get there.

A last thing to keep in mind are the people who will be sharing the bathroom with your cat. Make sure they leave the toilet lid up and seat down. You don't want your cat in a bind when she needs to use the facilities. Also, you should probably warn your house-guests! Most people will find a toilet trained cat amusing, but you should prepare them just in case!