Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ever Wonder How to Toilet Train Your Cat? How About Why?

If you've ever thought about how to toilet train your cat, you may have wondered if it's even possible. After all, we are talking about a cat! Anyone who has lived with a cat knows they are independent creatures of habit and have their own way to do things. Relax! You can train cats to use a toilet.

You probably have your own reasons for wanting to toilet train your cat. However, there are several reasons you may not have considered.

You can save more than the cost of litter if you toilet train your cat. Just think - no more cleaning the litter box, no more smell, no more hauling heavy bags from the grocery store and no more cat litter tracked all over the house! The water in the toilet is a much better mask for the smell of cat urine and feces. If you live in a small apartment or have multiple cats, this becomes an even bigger incentive!

When you go out of town, it's also easier on your cat sitter or friend who's checking in for you. Instead of dealing with the messy job of the litter box, all they have to do is flush the toilet occasionally.

Another reason to toilet train your cat is for health reasons. It's more sanitary for you and your family. Instead of having a box of cat waste sitting around, it will be taken care of in a more sanitary environment.

In the end, there's also the financial incentive to toilet train your cat. You'll save on average $175 a year on litter costs. Cat litter needs to be replaced every month and this can get expensive!

One caveat if you're thinking about how to toilet train your cat - you'll want to make sure they still know how to use the litter box for several reasons. If you board you cat for any reason, most like they will only have access to a box. This is also true in case they're sick, recovering from surgery, as they age or other reasons they can't balance on the toilet. Under normal circumstances, there's no reason you can't train cats to use a toilet and escape the litter box.